Real Property Management Faith

The Pros and Cons of Self-Guided Property Tours

If you are on the hunt for a new rental home, you would know that touring the units is a big part of finding that perfect fit. Just attempting to arrange showings with Indianapolis property managers can be a challenging experience, especially in our busy lives. Advances in digital technology have brought us listings with lots of photos and even virtual walk-throughs, although these tools sometimes aren’t enough to get a full sense of the property. Perhaps that is why 83% of renters prefer self-guided property tours over all other options. There are certainly many advantages to self-guided rental home tours, but there are a few drawbacks as well. Thinking about the pros and cons before selecting a self-guided tour during your Indianapolis rental home search is essential.


Self-guided tours are preferable for many renters because of the benefits they offer people with busy schedules. Unlike a traditional tour, where you would need to organize to meet a landlord or rental agent at the property, self-guided property tours are set up so you can access the property at your convenience. You request a convenient time slot, receive an access code, and then go to the property when you’re ready. When you have a time slot, one more advantage is that you don’t need to worry about other applicants showing up while you’re there. Due to security reasons, self-guided tours are never double-booked, which guarantees you won’t have awkward encounters with people against whom you might end up competing for the same rental house.

As soon as you are at the property, many renters like that you are free to explore the rental home without a landlord or rental agent looking over your shoulder. There is no need to feel pressed for time or to hide your honest reaction to the property should you not like it. Likewise, some renters enjoy not having someone there trying to ask revealing questions or make them feel like they need to decide on the spot. Few people want to be rushed into decisions, especially not ones as big as where you will be living for the next few months or years.


Of course, self-guided property tours come with a few disadvantages as well. Before access to a property, the chances are that the leasing office will first ask you to complete an application or a quick screening check. If you don’t pass these checks for whatever reason, there’s little hope of ever stepping in the front door. You may not even know why you are denied unless the landlord or leasing agent is willing to discuss it with you.

Another possible drawback to self-guided rental house tours is that you cannot ask questions while going through the property. While you can always text or email someone about it later, you may have questions during the tour that you forget to ask later. You may also miss out on learning a lot of helpful information about the neighborhood, nearby amenities, etc. These are things that a professional Indianapolis landlord or leasing agent should be able to tell you when you view a property. If no one is there with you, you may not know about these things until much later in your search process.

Eventually, it is up to you to decide which type of property tour works for you. While both traditional and self-guided tours have pros and cons, you can still use them to your advantage until you find your next rental home. If you’re on the search for a new place to live, Real Property Management Faith offers flexible touring options for great homes near you. You can view our listings online.