Real Property Management Faith

Is It Ever a Good Idea to Let Your Tenant Sublet?

Being a rental property owner usually entails a diligent search for the perfect tenants. Some tenants attempt to cut costs by subletting their area to others, whether you agree to it or not. It frequently happens when tenants with long-term leases need to be away from their homes for considerable periods. Instead of opting out of their lease, tenants might perceive subletting as the better route. The purpose of this article is to aid you in handling this issue and securing a resolution that suits all parties.

Subletting refers to the act of a tenant leasing a portion of their residence, like a bedroom, while they continue to inhabit the space. This method might seem advantageous for tenants aiming to make some extra cash, yet it frequently alarms landlords. As someone who owns property, it’s crucial to balance the merits and demerits of allowing subletting. Now, let’s closely inspect these influencing factors.

Who is Responsible?

The act of subletting typically takes one of two paths. One way is through a legal sublet, where the landlord allows the tenant to sublease part or all of the property to someone else. The other scenario is an illegal sublet, where the tenant subleases the property to another tenant without the landlord’s permission.

Pertaining to subletting, it’s essential to recognize that the primary tenant is legally bound to honor their lease agreement and secure the payment of the entire rent. Hence, the original tenant retains the ultimate responsibility, even in scenarios where subletting is sanctioned. In the smoothest scenarios, subletting still entails a hefty trust in the original tenant to ensure their subtenant observes every term of the lease agreement.

Reasons Not to Allow Subletting

As the landlord or property manager, the choice to authorize subletting rests solely with you. It’s important to remember, though, that homeowners’ associations or other regulations might impose restrictions on subletting in certain cases. If such agreements preclude subletting, this may serve as the only justification for you to restrict your tenant from subletting the space.

A further motive for denying subletting could be the difficulty in collecting rent from a subtenant who stops paying when your primary tenant is away. As a result, you’d be compelled to pursue your original tenant for the rent, a task that can be laborious and time-demanding. It’s essential not to take any payments from a subtenant in the event of an unlawful sublet. Accepting payments from a subtenant, even under illegal conditions, might confer rights to them on the property, requiring eviction to end such claims.

Reasons to Allow Subletting

Certain landlords permit subletting to ensure their property remains tenanted. Especially so if a tenant is going to be away for a considerable duration. Building a strong rapport with your tenant is essential, and allowing them the flexibility to accommodate their needs is a key strategy. Allowing subletting by your tenant also aids in circumventing vacancies and related turnover costs, with the stipulation that rent is paid in a timely manner monthly.

Subletting Agreements

Creating a precise subletting contract that clearly states your expectations and your tenant’s obligations is the best practice. No matter your position on subletting, your lease should contain a clause that precisely indicates what is permitted and under what circumstances. Open communication can be the key to avoiding confusion and ensuring a content and stress-less rental agreement for both the tenant and the landlord.

If you’re inclined to permit subletting, ensuring the necessary protections for you and your property is indispensable. A primary step involves conducting a comprehensive screening of the subletting tenant, akin to the vetting process for any prospective tenant. After identifying an appropriate tenant, setting up definite expectations and rules for the sublet arrangement is crucial. The process entails devising and endorsing a sublease agreement that encapsulates the entire terms and conditions governing the subletting setup. The establishment of a sublease agreement can act as a safeguard against any potential disputes or complications that could arise later on.

Have any doubts about authorizing your tenant to sublease your rental premises? No worries, Real Property Management Faith has got you covered! Contact us online or call 317-219-4363 to talk to a rental property expert today. Our team of pros is here to help you make the best decision for your property in Noblesville or nearby.


Originally Published on April 1, 2022